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Proposal View Rate - How to Optimize Upwork Proposals
Proposal View Rate - How to Optimize Upwork Proposals

Maximize Upwork success by leveraging Proposal View Rate insights with GigRadar's comprehensive guide.

Vadym O avatar
Written by Vadym O
Updated over a week ago

⚠️ Disclaimer

The Proposal View Rate is an experimental feature that only provides an approximation of the actual proposal views. There are some technical limitations that do not allow for 100% accuracy.

Understanding Proposal View Rate:

Proposal View Rate is the percentage of your submitted proposals that are viewed by potential clients. A higher view rate indicates more client interest, signaling that your proposals are effectively grabbing attention.

How to monitor your Upwork Proposal Views using GigRadar?

You can now see the individual proposal views in:

  • Proposals table on the Dashboard;

  • Opportunities table under each scanner;

You can also see the aggregated PVR (Proposal View Rate):

  • For each person in the Proposal Sending Stats table

  • For each scanner in the new Scanner Breakdown table

Why is Proposal View Rate Important?

  1. Feedback on Proposal Quality: A low view rate might suggest that your proposal's first few lines (visible in the preview) are not engaging enough. Improving these aspects can lead to more views and, ultimately, more job offers.

  2. Targeting the Right Jobs: Consistently low view rates could indicate that you're applying for jobs that don't match your skills or experience. Refining your job search criteria on Upwork can lead to better alignment and higher view rates.

  3. Enhancing Profile Strength: A high view rate with a low response rate might point to a need for enhancing your Upwork profile. Clients are interested in your proposals but might not be convinced by your profile.

  4. Improving Scanners: GigRadar scanners are tools for identifying job opportunities. They can be optimized by understanding the keywords clients use, targeting your audience more precisely, and configuring the scanner for specific job types​​​​​​. A well-set scanner can contribute to a higher proposal view rate by ensuring you apply for the most relevant jobs.

How to Improve Your Proposal View Rate:

  1. Optimize the First Few Lines: The beginning of your proposal appears in the preview. Make it engaging and relevant to the job posting.

  2. Improve Profile and Portfolio: Ensure your Upwork profile and portfolio are complete, professional, and showcase your best work. Check out our guides on profile and portfolio.

  3. Be Selective in Job Applications: Apply to jobs that closely match your skills and experience. This increases the likelihood of your proposal being relevant and viewed.

  4. Use GigRadar Insights: Utilize GigRadar's analytics to track your view rate trends and adjust your strategies accordingly.


Monitoring and understanding your Proposal View Rate on Upwork is crucial for improving your freelance success. By making informed adjustments to your proposals and profile, and choosing the right jobs, you can significantly increase your chances of winning more projects.

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